3.2.5 Systems

Battery, Cap, Daily Battery Cap, Daily Token Cap Systems

Battery System A controller's battery energy increases by 25% every 6 hours until it is fully charged. Users start with 1 controller and 2 units of energy. Every 1 unit of energy means they can stream a game for 30 minutes. Users can increase the maximum amount of energy. If users own more controllers, they can get more battery energy. The calculation is as follows:

Additional battery energy (cumulative) is provided to users who own higher quality controllers.

  1. Uncommon: +1 Energy

  2. Rare: +2 Energy

  3. Unique: +3 Energy

  4. Mythical: +4 Energy

if the above contents are applied, it is as follows:

Cap System

Limits the amount of battery energy and tokens that users can obtain each day. This is a mechanism for controlling token inflation and includes the Daily Battery Cap and the Daily Token Cap

Daily Battery Cap

Users start streaming, but their battery is limited by the number of controllers they own. Users can increase their battery limit by purchasing higher-quality controllers. The maximum daily battery limit is 20.

Daily Token Cap

By default, users start streaming with a daily limit of 5 CRT tokens. Users may increase their daily token limit by leveling up the controller. The maximum daily token limit is to 300 CRT and 15 CGT.

Quest System

  • Daily Quests: Fixed Rewards

  • Weekly Quests: Get More Quests

  • Monthly Quests: Token Rewards

  • Special Quests: Special NFT Controller Airdrops

Last updated