3.2.3. Buttons, Sockets and Badge

Additional attributes to boost the GameFi experience of users

Button Types and Levels

Users may unlock button sockets when their controller reaches a specific level. Controller attributes may be improved by inserting a button of the same color into an unlocked socket. However, the button and the socket must be of the same attribute. That is, only the Potentiality button may be placed in the Potentiality (yellow) socket of the controller.

There are four types of buttons, and each button's color represents its attributes.

Yellow: Potentiality

Blue: Luck

Green: Convenience

Red: Durability

Users can upgrade their buttons from the Button Upgrade tab. To complete the upgrade, users should combine three buttons of the same level and type using CRT tokens. The higher the level of the button upgrades, the more likely it is to fail. If the upgrade fails, the user loses his or her button. CGT tokens are required to upgrade buttons from a certain level.

Buttons enhance the controller's default attributes. For example, a yellow (Potentiality) button at level 2 enhances attributes to a controller at level 0 with a base potential of 5.

5 (Controller Default Attributes) + 5 x 40% (Button Effect on Attributes) + 8 (Button Attributes) = 15 (Effect on Level 0 Controller)

Socket Types and Quality

Controllers have four sockets that are the same colors as the four different button types. Users can insert a button into the corresponding socket to enhance the controller's attributes. Whenever a controller reaches a certain level, one socket is unlocked. The higher the quality of the socket, the more the attributes of the inserted button will be improved. Users can see the socket type before they unlock the socket, but they cannot see the quality of the socket, which is determined by the quality of the controller. Details about the probability of getting different quality sockets and how it is determined by the quality of the controller will be updated in the future.


A badge is an item that can be installed on a controller. Users can complete quests to obtain badges. Users who use a controller equipped with a badge receive additional benefits while streaming. Users who install a badge on their controller can receive the following benefits:

  • Streaming Games - Additional Battery Energy

  • Making a Controller - Reduce the Cost of Minting

  • Controller Rental - Lower Controller Rental Costs

  • Staking/Governance - Additional Benefits

Last updated